IBM revealed the world's smallest chip with blockchain compatibility


IBM made the world's smallest chip compatible with blockchain tech
Image Courtesy: IBM
At the ongoing IBM Think Conference 2018, IBM showcased the world's smallest chip, claimed to be tinier than a grain of salt. But the surprising element is that it packs an amount of power equivalent to that of x86 chips released in the 90s!

With that much computing capability, it can be used in the blockchain technology. IBM states that it will cost less than ten cents to manufacture the chip.

The chip will have several transistors that will allow the device to monitor, analyze, communicate, and even act on data. It will also be able to accomplish basic AI-based tasks.

This can actually give us new AI-based IoT devices in the coming years which will be able to perform multiple tasks and that also at a lesser cost, thanks to these chips IBM will manufacture.

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