Fortnite accidentally has a swastika, devs says it will be removed ASAP


The Verge reported that a Reddit user by the name of EuBestCityEu has found out what looks like a swastika sign, which quite obviously reminded everyone of the Nazis.

Fortnite has an accidental swastika symbol
Image: The Verge
The Reddit user put together the resources within the game to create a dance floor, as part of the building utility within the game. After laying them down, the panels were edited in-game to modify the shape. Somehow, they formed something similar to a swastika.

An Epic developer quickly noted that the symbol would be removed. “This was unintended and will be addressed ASAP by adjusting the metal piece art,” they noted. In fact, the studio, speaking with the Verge, said it is removing the accidental symbol so that it doesn’t appear when other players try to build a similar dance floor within the game.

VIA: The Verge

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